Surely many people still wonder what the effects of drinking orange juice are on the body. First of all, oranges are fruits that are rich in vitamin C, with high levels of essential nutrients. Therefore, orange juice is also a source of essential nutrients for the body. To understand more about the benefits of orange juice, let’s explore in the following article with Kamereo!
What are the effects of drinking orange juice?
With about 112 calories, but orange juice provides many essential nutrients for the body such as Carbohydrate, vitamin A, iron, calcium,… especially high in vitamin C. Therefore, this food has high nutritional value, with many benefits for the body.
Boosting the immune system
What are the effects of drinking orange juice? This beverage has a high content of vitamin C, ranking among the top in fruits. If you consume orange juice regularly, it will improve the immune function by supporting the function of cells. Therefore, you will reduce the risk of catching seasonal colds.
In addition, vitamin C also supports the function of the epithelial barrier. This helps the body resist external pathogens.
Rich in antioxidants, improves skin
The effect of orange juice in combating free radicals, slowing down the aging process is clearly demonstrated by its abundant antioxidant content. Besides, vitamin C is an important component in the collagen synthesis process, helping to repair cell damage and stimulate the development of new tissue.
Vitamin C in oranges also helps prevent toxins from accumulating in the skin. Therefore, when consumed sufficiently, it can help cleanse and detoxify the skin.
Improving digestion
Supporting the improvement of gastric health and digestion is one of the answers to the question of what are the effects of orange juice. Accordingly, this beverage not only helps normalize digestion but also reduces gastric juice, excess acid, and prevents ulceration.
If you drink a glass of orange juice every morning, you can regulate bowel movements, reduce bloating, and stimulate the food fermentation process. Moreover, those who often suffer from diarrhea or constipation will improve their bowel function.
Furthermore, the acidity, along with the alkalinity of oranges, also helps cleanse the stomach and digestive system. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, orange juice can also prevent bloating, especially in women.
Preventing kidney stones formation
Kidney stones are the long-term accumulation of small minerals in the kidneys. Then, the disease will manifest through symptoms such as severe pain, nausea, or blood in the urine. So, what are the effects of drinking orange juice in preventing kidney stones?
Drinking orange juice can increase the pH or alkalinity level in urine. Studies have shown that this plays an important role in preventing the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, research also shows that orange juice is more effective than lemon juice in reducing some risk factors for kidney stones.
Moreover, another study conducted later on 194,095 orange juice users. The results showed that people who drank orange juice at least once a day had a 12% lower risk of developing kidney stones than those who drank orange juice less than once a week.
Stabilizing blood pressure and good for the heart
Cardiovascular diseases contribute to over 17 million deaths each year worldwide. However, if you drink orange juice, you can reduce some risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, while protecting the health of the heart.
So, what are the effects of drinking orange juice on the cardiovascular system? A study of 129 orange juice consumers showed that total LDL cholesterol levels decreased significantly over time. Orange juice has also been shown to increase HDL cholesterol levels in people with high levels, while improving heart health.
In addition, a comprehensive study of 19 studies on the benefits of orange juice for heart disease has shown that this juice can reduce systolic blood pressure.
Good for bones, teeth
Most people face bone and joint problems as they enter middle age. The main reason is the lack of vitamins and the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. Over time, the body experiences severe joint inflammation, causing pain for patients.
Drinking orange juice daily helps the body eliminate uric acid in the blood, thereby preventing the risk of diseases such as gout or joint inflammation. However, according to doctors’ assessments, it is advisable to consume pure fresh fruit juice, avoiding sugary drinks to prevent calorie accumulation and other potential issues.
Furthermore, Carotenoids in oranges act against harmful free radicals, helping to prevent cell deterioration and support bone development. In addition, orange juice is also beneficial for strengthening enamel, dentin, and coping with bacteria and the risk of mouth infections.
Treating anemia due to iron deficiency
Iron deficiency in the body can lead to a shortage of blood cells in hemoglobin. Daily consumption of orange juice helps supplement minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese,… and essential vitamins. In particular, the large amount of vitamin C in this type of beverage helps the body absorb iron effectively, improving anemia.
Reducing the risk of heart pain
Some scientific studies have shown that consuming orange juice can help prevent symptoms of heart disorders. Accordingly, the hersperidin compound in orange juice is particularly effective in combating arterial congestion, thereby reducing the risk of heart pain. This is especially important for people with cardiovascular diseases, helping them prevent risks such as coronary artery disease and stroke.
Beneficial for the liver
Orange juice is also beneficial for the liver because it helps improve poor digestion and the fermentation process of food due to a bad liver. Although this effect is less noticed, this type of beverage contributes significantly to improving liver function for the body.
Enhancing physical fitness
Oranges contain fructose and 85% water, helping the body quickly absorb, have a refreshing effect, and replenish energy. People who regularly drink orange juice often experience good resistance and improved physical fitness.
Pain relief
Inflammation is a natural body response to cope with infection. However, this can have unintended consequences such as high fever, aches,… To prevent these effects, regularly consuming a dose of fresh orange juice is extremely important.
Orange juice contains many anti-inflammatory agents and supports smooth functioning of organs in the body. In addition, this beverage provides flavonoids such as hesperidin and naringenin, biologically active compounds that help the body resist daily stress.
In addition, maintaining regular consumption of orange juice in the daily diet can help reduce chronic metabolic disorders. This is important to eliminate the effects that can be caused by inflammation.
Drinking orange juice correctly is good for health
Although orange juice has many health benefits, you should also consume it in moderation. Especially, the timing of supplementing this type of drink is also important for the body’s nutrient absorption.
Drink at the right time
Nutrition experts recommend consuming orange juice after breakfast or lunch, about 1-2 hours. In addition, you should drink orange juice right after squeezing to preserve its nutritional value, especially the vitamin C content.
Drink the right amount
The benefits of drinking orange juice are already clear, but how much is enough? According to leading nutrition experts in the United States, adults should limit their orange juice consumption to about 200ml. The main reason for this volume is that it provides about 60mg of vitamin C, equivalent to 100% of an adult’s daily vitamin C needs. Exceeding this amount may lead to vitamin C overdose. If this persists for a long time, it may have adverse effects on the body.
In addition, pregnant women need about 80mg/day of vitamin C. Therefore, they can increase their orange juice intake throughout the day, but should divide it into multiple servings to optimize the body’s absorption process. As for children, they should only drink the juice from half an orange per day to ensure safety and balanced nutrition.
Who should limit or avoid drinking orange juice?
Accordingly, healthcare professionals recommend that people with health issues such as pancreatitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, or gastric ulcers should limit their orange juice intake to avoid acid and organic matter accumulation. This can lead to increased acid production in the stomach and worsen ulcers.
Patients with kidney disease should also be cautious when consuming orange juice. Because excessive consumption can increase oxalic acid, contributing to the formation of kidney stones and urinary stones. In addition, people taking medication, especially antibiotics, should not combine them with orange juice to avoid potential interactions that may reduce the effectiveness of the medication.
Furthermore, if orange juice is not consumed correctly, the sugar and acid content in it can also cause diabetes issues. Especially when some people add sugar to orange juice to make it more palatable. This action also poses risks of pain, inflammation, and blood sugar issues.
Should orange juice be combined with any food?
An important thing to drink orange juice correctly is to combine it with other types of food. If you don’t want any adverse interactions, don’t do this:
- Do not drink orange juice with milk, as it can cause digestive disorders and lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or bloating.
- Orange juice can produce ferulic acid with hydroxyl acid so it cannot be combined with beets as it may affect thyroid function and other health issues.
Kamereo provides many types of high-quality, genuine squeezed orange juice
If customers are unsure about the source of squeezed orange juice or fresh oranges to serve their business activities, Kamereo is a worthy choice to consider. We are the bridge between product suppliers and distributors, restaurants, customers, … Especially, all goods are checked and guaranteed with strict food safety and hygiene standards.
Coming to Kamereo, customers can rest assured about the transportation process. We commit to delivering goods to customers on time, ensuring business operations. Moreover, the order receiving and delivery process is technologically optimized, helping to reduce operating errors by less than 0.5%.
In addition, a beautiful and user-friendly shopping interface is Kamereo’s advantage. Customers can easily find the products they want to buy without spending a lot of time searching.
Some frequently asked questions
The information above partly clarifies the benefits of drinking orange juice. However, many people still have some questions, let’s answer them together!
What are the effects of orange juice on the skin?
The effects of orange juice on health are undeniable. In addition, if you drink the necessary amount every day, it is also beneficial for the skin such as:
- Preventing skin aging: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the skin from the damage of free radicals. In addition, the components of this orange juice also help produce collagen, a type of protein that makes the skin firm and elastic.
- Reducing inflammation: Inflammation is a common cause of skin problems such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Therefore, the vitamin C component of orange juice can help reduce inflammation, thereby improving skin condition.
- Protecting healthy skin: Supporting the improvement of the immune system helps protect the skin from harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Providing moisture: Orange juice is an excellent source of water, helping to keep the skin hydrated and always looking smooth, fresh, and youthful.
In addition, orange juice also contains other beneficial nutrients for the skin such as: vitamin A, vitamin E, and potassium. These vitamins and minerals play an important role in skin regeneration and improvement.
Does drinking orange juice whiten the skin?
According to nutrition experts, drinking orange juice every day can help the skin become healthier and brighter. The vitamin C content in this beverage is an important antioxidant that helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals.
Moreover, vitamin C also helps produce collagen, a protein that makes the skin firm and elastic. In addition, orange juice also contains other nutrients such as: vitamin A, vitamin E, potassium, … helping to nourish the skin from deep inside.
When should you not drink orange juice?
Although orange juice brings many health benefits, there are also times when using it may be disadvantageous:
- Drinking orange juice when hungry: The acid in orange juice combined with stomach acid can create excess acid, causing stomach pain and, if prolonged, may lead to gastric ulcers.
- Drinking orange juice after meals: Can lead to bloating and indigestion because the sugar in orange juice inhibits the digestion of food.
- Drinking orange juice before bedtime: Can increase urine production and affect sleep quality. In addition, the acid from orange juice can harm tooth enamel if not cleaned thoroughly.
Above is all the answers to the question of what are the benefits of drinking orange juice. Hope this article helps you understand more about the effects and benefits of orange juice. Follow the Health and Beauty section for the latest information!
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