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Guide on how to harvest morning glory quickly, saving time, and avoiding stickiness when cooking

Guide on how to harvest morning glory quickly

Morning glory is no longer an unfamiliar vegetable in Vietnamese meals. Besides, this vegetable is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B3, saponin, mucilage, and iron. However, not everyone knows how to pick morning glory to make the most delicious soup. The following article will guide you on how to harvest morning glory easily and save time.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

  1. Guide on how to harvest morning glory
    1. Step 1: Pick the leafy part of the vegetable
    2. Step 2: Pick the stem
    3. Step 3: Wash the vegetable
    4. Step 4: Chop the vegetable
  2. Notes when harvesting morning glory:
  3. When is the best time to harvest morning glory?
    1. What time of day is best for harvesting morning glory?
    2. How should morning glory be harvested?

Guide on how to harvest morning glory

Picking morning glory is not much different from other common vegetables in Vietnam. However, there is a lot of sticky substance inside the vegetable that can be uncomfortable when handling. Here are the basic steps to harvest morning glory.

Step 1: Pick the leafy part of the vegetable

First, pick the morning glory by taking the leaves from the bottom to the top. While picking, remove any leaves that are worm-eaten, old, or discolored. For vegetables used in soup, it is best to pick close to the stem to ensure the vegetable remains fresh and flavorful when eaten.

You pick up spinach leaves
You pick up spinach leaves

Step 2: Pick the stem

People often use only the leaves and discard the stems of morning glory. However, if you want to stir-fry the vegetable, you can also pick the tender stems to add crunchiness to the dish.

Continue picking the young shoots
Continue picking the young shoots

Step 3: Wash the vegetable

Next, take a basin, add some salt or vegetable wash to the water, and soak the morning glory to clean it. Place the vegetables in a basket and shake gently until the water drains. Additionally, it is not recommended to wash morning glory directly under running water, as it can make the vegetable lose its crispiness and affect the taste of the dish.

Rinse with water to remove dirt and bacteria
Rinse with water to remove dirt and bacteria

Step 4: Chop the vegetable

Finally, place the cleaned morning glory on a cutting board and use a knife to chop it into small pieces. The size of the cuts depends on your preference and the dish you are preparing. Because this vegetable becomes tender after cooking, it is easy to eat.

Cut into bite-sized pieces
Cut into bite-sized pieces

Notes when harvesting morning glory:

Here are some notes when harvesting morning glory:

  • Pick morning glory when the plant is mature, with large, lush leaves. Mature leaves contain more nutrients and have a better taste than young leaves.
  • Avoid picking morning glory that is too old or too young, as it will not be tasty and will lack nutrients. Additionally, overly mature morning glory will be tough, while overly young ones will be bland and less nutritious.
  • Harvest morning glory in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid heat. This helps keep the vegetable fresh and tasty.
  • Pick the vegetable and cut the leaves close to the base so that the plant can continue to grow new leaves.
  • Minimize the amount of soil sticking to the morning glory after harvesting. Also, be sure to wash the vegetable with water to remove dirt and bacteria before cooking.
  • Some questions about how to harvest morning glory:
You should pick mature spinach
You should pick mature spinach

If you still have any questions after learning how to pick morning glory above, you can refer to some questions and answers below.

When is the best time to harvest morning glory?

The best time to harvest morning glory is when the plant is mature, with large and lush leaves. Leaves at this stage usually contain more nutrients and have a better taste than young or overly mature leaves.

What time of day is best for harvesting morning glory?

Ideally, harvest morning glory in the early morning or late afternoon to ensure that the vegetable is harvested in the best weather conditions. Additionally, this time helps preserve the freshness and flavor of the vegetable when used in your dishes. Avoid harvesting in the midday sun, as the high temperature can affect the freshness and nutritional quality of the vegetable.

Hái rau mồng tơi vào sáng sớm

How should morning glory be harvested?

When harvesting morning glory, cut it close to the base of the plant. You can cut both the stem and leaves or just the leaves, depending on your intended use later.

👉 See more:

The above is a simple and easy way to pick morning glory. We hope this Kamereo article helps you prepare a delicious meal. Also, don’t forget to follow the Food Tips section for more useful information!

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Nguyễn Đức Thạnh

Nguyễn Đức Thạnh

Thạnh is a creative content expert with many years of experience. Particularly, he regularly shares in-depth content on business, cuisine, technology, and lifestyle through a unique and relatable perspective. Follow Thạnh to embark on a journey of discovering fascinating insights through every word!View Author posts

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