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The Deli: Casual Cafe in Hotel The Riverie Saigon review – by Cheri The Glutton

Hotel The Riverie Saigon, one of the signature hotels in Vietnam with 6 stars. Some people might think it’s a bit too gorgeous. But this place is actually where you can casually enjoy!

It’s On The 2nd Floor On Dong Khoi St.-Side

When it comes to The Reverie Saigon, there are top-notch restaurants like R&J Italian Lounge & Restaurant, Cafe Cardinal and The Royal Pavilion. And I wrote blog posts on them many times before, except The Long which I haven’t visited for a long time. The 3 restaurants above are really nice, but they are somewhat formal. You cannot dine there casually as if you were having lunch at a canteen. But sometimes you still would like to have an elegant experience at The Riverie Saigon, right!? Then, go visit this place.

It’s on the 2nd floor near the escalator leading from the entrance of Dong Khoi St.

The photo was taken right before the Easter holiday, so there are many egg-objects. Probably they decorate the place according to the season.

It’s a simple lobby cafe but as its name, DELI, indicates they have a kitchen in the center of the place and sometimes they have something like ham on sales.

Look at this decor! It would great to come here and have an extraordinary experience sometimes

Not Too Extravagant

You might think cafe at a 6-star hotel would be extravagant. Not really. It’s not that cheap, indeed.

Signature iced teas are around 120k. Having walked to the place in hot weather, I went for Refresher.

Wow, how refreshing flavour this tea has! My favourite earl grey tea with organic cranberry juice and hazelnuts syrup. What a cool art!

What’s more ….

It comes with dried fruits!

So good for snacking!

They are delicious, as you know!

I usually don’t like dried coconuts but this one is an exception. And the peanuts are well-roasted too.

Those extras validify its price, I think. They might change the extras according to the seasons.

Wonderful Extras!

This place actually has great chocolates, and I found these at the display next to their central kitchen.  

Heaps of blocks of nuts chocolate!!

They are so eye catching! Are they sold by weight??

I will ask them how things work. What else should I add?
Oh yes, bathroom.

Like some other building, this bathroom is locked, so we have to ask the staff for a key. They keep the place more secure with this. Wow, I feel safer here!

And this cafe is in the centre of the city, so it would be great to meet up with someone besides just chilling alone here. So versatile!

Cafe Detail

The Deli

47-69,  Dong Khoi Q1

Time : 07:00 – 19:30

Spent : 130,000 vnd / person

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Taku Tanaka