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Kamereo growth journey

It has been more than one year since Kamereo started our journey and a lot has changed. We have evolved and grown a lot as a company and as individuals.

Today we would like to take a step back and recollect all the milestones through the year and take a moment to appreciate them as a start-up family. Plus, if you’re curious about how Kamereo comes about and the meaning behind our work, then keep on reading!

Let’s go back in time

After the idea was carefully nurtured and brewed, Kamereo was officially founded in June 2018.

So where did the concept for Kamereo platform come from? Our CEO Taku Tanaka was working at Pizza 4P’s as Chief Operation Officer, a very familiar name for those who loves pizza and live in Ho Chi Minh city. Being a professional in the Vietnam F&B industry, Tanaka and his team struggled to keep all the purchases for their restaurants organised. Knowing that other restaurants would have the same problems, Tanaka dreamed to have a product that would drastically change the food industry in Vietnam for the better.

But who are the brilliant people behind the birth of Kamereo? It’s these 2 awesome entrepreneurs, Taku Tanaka – CEO & Co-founder and Hiroshi Tokaku – Co-founder.

They come from very different backgrounds. Tanaka has solid experience in management restaurants, along with a financing background, well enough to set up his business. On the other hand, our Hiroshi is a techie. He’s experienced in software engineering. By the time Hiroshi was setting up Kamereo, he was one of the lead software engineers at one of the most well-known job search engines in Japan.

Kamereo is lucky enough to receive support from early-day members and our angel investor to get a good kickstart.

6 months into operation, in December 2018, we received funding of 500,000 USD from 2 Venture Capitals of Genesia and Velocity, opening up a new page of opportunities.

Kamereo after our first seeding round

We spent the first 6 months setting up the frame of our business, recruiting talents and getting our MVPs ready, both for suppliers and buyers.

Our key products were a simple platform for restaurants to make their daily purchases on, allowing managers to oversee all spending at the end of the month in one place.

As of the first month Jan 2019, we have about 140 orders on our system with about 140 suppliers joined and 5000 SKUs.

For the supplier side, we initially set up a platform where suppliers can list their products to approach even more customers, as well as overseeing all orders they receive in just one place. However, we had a vision to develop this platform to even a more convenient tool for suppliers, just like the restaurant side.

The endless support we receive…

Although we have a lot of difficulties, a few bumps here and there on our growth journey, we also receive a lot of support from our own members as well as from our clients and friends.

We had the precious opportunities to be present at the events, networking with new professionals and bring Kamereo out to a bigger world.

We can’t thank our lovely customers enough for the collaboration, for their patient to give us feedback on the products while we trial and error on the backend.

And how can we not mention the amazing team members we have a Kamereo? These young individuals are smart and very driven in their career. We have an awesome Customer Success and sales teams who are always there to give their best support to customers. We also have top notch engineering team, without them, Kamereo is just a name, not a cool product like now.

Our new chapter

June 2019 marks one year of our official operation and we can’t be happier that our product is being perfected day by day, we’ve gained more customers and our team are getting bigger.

In fact, our team is getting so big that we’ve just moved to a new office a few months ago. This is also one of our very exciting milestones. If we had meetings with our team before July 2019 then you’d probably know that our office located in a co-working space on Hai Ba Trung, with about 10 members. Now, that number is doubled.

Kamereo now has more than 16,000 SKUs, a growth of more than 10,000 SKUs within more than half a year. We also have more than 230 suppliers and 500 buyers registered on our platform

We’ve recently launched our mobile app for restaurants, as a tool to help our clients management their purchases on our platform even more sufficient.

If you’ve already had an account on Kamereo restaurant platform then get our app for Android here or for iOS here.

This September, we will also launch a new version for our supplier platform, making it even easier for suppliers to manage and respond to all orders daily.

Last but not least, Kamereo just launched our own farm to table vegetables wholesale service, available to all restaurants within Ho Chi Minh city. If your restaurant is scouting high quality and affordable vegetables supply then give us a call on: +84 83 9443 000 or email to: to see what we have to offer.

Travel this journey with Kamereo

There will be much more exciting changes at Kamereo in upcoming time, from our products and funding rounds, it’s all for the better.

We hope to receive the continuous support and encouragement from everyone in our adventure to conquer the F&B industry in Vietnam.

Sign up to use our platform as a restaurant:

List your products on Kamereo as a supplier:

Read more about our vision and mission at:

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Taku Tanaka

Taku Tanaka