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Strict product quality inspection process at Kamereo

In today’s world, standards for raw materials and fresh food are continually rising. The quality of the natural ingredients is essential, especially for Kamereo, given that our main clientele consists of business customers catering to many consumers. With the wealth of positive feedback we’ve received regarding product quality, let’s delve into Kamereo’s secrets for ensuring the quality of goods.

Kamereo’s first secret lies in conducting meticulous inspections at various points along the supply chain. To sum up Kamereo’s goods-receiving process, it comprises three key stages:

Goods are purchased from farms, cooperatives, collaborators, etc., and sent to Kamereo’s Duc Trong Vegetable Collection Center. Before being accepted into the warehouse, goods must meet basic entry standards such as being free from pests, damage, wilting, soil roots, etc.

At the Duc Trong collection centre, Kamereo’s staff will sort the products, and goods will be loaded onto refrigerated trucks for transport to two fulfilment centres in Ho Chi Minh City. Here, the goods will be further inspected and sorted according to strict quality standards after the transportation process and preservation in the refrigerated trucks.

In this phase, the goods are ready to be distributed to the Customer’s Storefronts. However, Kamereo will conduct one more inspection of the goods’ condition before coordinating with shippers to ensure the freshness and quality we have promised our customers and to minimize potential product issues as much as possible.


FIFO (First In – First Out) signifies that products stored longest are the first to be dispatched. This method enhances product quality control by averting situations where items linger in storage for extended periods before distribution and facilitates traceability.


To optimize food preservation, categorizing items before storage proves highly beneficial. The categorization can be based on the nature and nutritional content of the items. For instance:

Within these categories, further sub-categorization based on type or size can be performed. Mixing different types of products can lead to unwanted outcomes. After harvesting, metabolic processes in vegetables, fruits, and other items continue, and the growth of microorganisms affects product quality. Hence, combining categorization by type, and nature, and adhering to FIFO principles contributes to efficient storage and quality control.

At each quality control stage, various requirements and standards pertain to product specifications. Faulty products are documented through photographs for recording and reporting, aiding in evaluating the quality of each batch.

The traditional method of cold storage remains preferred for preserving freshness and extending shelf life through temperature regulation. At Kamereo, products are transported directly from farms immediately after harvesting. They reach warehouses daily and are distributed to customers. Refrigerated trucks are employed for transportation, significantly extending the shelf life of fresh produce and reducing spoilage during transit.

Furthermore, large orders that cannot be delivered promptly, will all be prioritized for storage in the cool room.


Familiarity with product names presents an engaging means of recalling products and their storage locations conveniently. Additionally, it facilitates the retention of product characteristics and storage conditions, enabling prompt action upon product mention. This technique is adopted by all Kamereo warehouse staff to memorize 100% of their inventory.


These suggestions serve to elevate the quality control of food items, as practised at Kamereo. Stay connected for the latest updates!

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