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What is take-away coffee? Complete guide to starting a take-away coffee business from A to Z

Complete guide to starting a take-away coffee business from A to Z

The take-away coffee business model is cost-effective and aligns with the preferences of today’s consumers, especially office workers. Therefore, this model is a popular startup choice for many people. Let’s explore with Kamereo how to open an effective and profitable take-away coffee shop in the following article!

Current Standard Take-away Coffee Shop
Current Standard Take-away Coffee Shop

What is take-away coffee?

Take-away coffee is a business model that primarily serves busy customers who want a quick and convenient cup of coffee. This model typically features a small area with a large menu displayed right in front of the counter. This allows customers to select, order, pay, and receive their drinks quickly and conveniently at the counter.

Take-away coffee shops often have one or two small sets of tables and chairs for customers to wait for their drinks. Most shops design their coffee carts with a modern style, focusing on arranging the menu to be as prominent and convenient for customers as possible.

Cafe takeaway is a quick and profitable business model
Cafe takeaway is a quick and profitable business model

Take-away coffee: A quick and convenient business model

The take-away coffee business model is currently attracting a lot of attention from young people and office workers. You can start by operating individual coffee carts or franchising a brand.

Mobile take-away coffee cart model

Mobile take-away coffee carts cater to the need for quick drink purchases. The advantages of this business model include low costs, minimal investment, and no need to rent a storefront or purchase furniture. Some costs to start a mobile coffee cart business include:

  • Coffee cart: Around 5,000,000 – 7,000,000 VND depending on material and design.
  • Wooden cart decoration: Around 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 VND.
  • Coffee equipment: Around 15,000,000 – 20,000,000 VND.
  • Coffee ingredients: Around 5,000,000 – 7,000,000 VND.

Mobile coffee carts are the best choice in pedestrian areas, fairs, or shopping centers. Making coffee on the spot with skillful techniques is a unique and creative way to attract customers.

Take away coffee carts are a popular choice today
Take away coffee carts are a popular choice today

Take-away coffee franchise model

If you have a larger capital and prefer not to work outdoors daily, a take-away coffee franchise is the best choice. The advantage of this model is the established brand. Therefore, you already have a loyal customer base from the beginning. Additionally, you can use their existing recipes and management processes. Franchise fees depend on the brand recognition level you want to sign a contract with.

Franchising helps you have a better customer base
Franchising helps you have a better customer base

Experience in opening a take-away coffee shop for beginners

Once you have determined the direction you want to develop, you can implement your business plan. Here are a few tips to help increase your success rate:

Identify target customers

For the take-away coffee model, target customers are busy people who don’t have time to sit at the shop. Abroad, this model only serves coffee and take-away drinks without seating. 

When it came to Vietnam, take-away coffee added a few small tables for customers who want to sit and enjoy. Despite this slight change, you need to identify that the shop’s target customers are still young people, students, and especially office workers who need a quick coffee to focus on their work.

The first thing to do is clearly identify your target customers
The first thing to do is clearly identify your target customers

Choose a business location

As analyzed, the take-away coffee model mainly serves young customers. Therefore, the shop’s location should be in the city center, near schools, companies, offices, and office buildings. 

The unique point of the take-away coffee model is that you can choose a small area of about 12 – 16m2, sufficient for a counter and a few small tables for customers to wait. However, you should also consider parking space for customers to ensure maximum convenience.

Find a location that fits your target customers and your capital
Find a location that fits your target customers and your capital

Understand the F&B field

Understanding the F&B field is necessary when starting a business. Especially with the take-away coffee model, you need to learn more about the drink’s flavor, speed, and convenience for consumers. Customers often observe the preparation process. 

The question here is how to make delicious drinks quickly while ensuring an eye-catching and attractive preparation process. If you lack experience in the coffee business, attend barista courses to enhance your skills and knowledge. Preparing professional knowledge is essential when opening a shop.

How much capital is needed to open a take-away coffee shop?

The cost to open a take-away coffee shop is usually not high compared to other coffee business models. With around 70,000,000 – 100,000,000 VND, you can open a shop. However, you can open a larger and more professional take-away coffee shop with a larger capital.

The cost of opening a take away cafe is usually not too high
The cost of opening a take away cafe is usually not too high

Equipment and tools for business

Equipment and tools are indispensable when opening a take-away coffee shop. To ensure optimal customer experience, you should invest in modern coffee equipment. Older technology equipment still works well but may slow down the preparation process.

You need to fully prepare basic mixing equipment
You need to fully prepare basic mixing equipment

Prepare raw materials

Besides the necessary preparation tools, finding safe and quality raw materials is crucial. Essential ingredients include coffee, fresh fruit, fresh milk, condensed milk, syrup, flavorings, and various powders. To ensure a stable supply, look for reliable suppliers. 

If you still cannot find a suitable unit, consider Kamereo’s service. With years of experience, we complete thousands of orders each month. Moreover, Kamereo’s order completion rate is up to 98%, ensuring your shop’s business operations.

Kamereo is also supporting delivery for invoices from 400,000 VND, along with a refund program of up to 1% for customers with total invoices reaching 20,000,000 VND per month. Currently, new customers who place their first order also receive many attractive offers. Please contact Kamereo via hotline 0812 46 37 27 to receive expert support!

Read more: Introducing the Kamereo brand

Kamereo is a reputable supplier of quality ingredients
Kamereo is a reputable supplier of quality ingredients

Required documents to open a coffee shop

To open a take-away coffee shop, you need to prepare the following documents to ensure legal operation:

  • Business registration license.
  • Food safety and hygiene certificate.
  • Tax documents.
You need to prepare all documents before opening a shop
You need to prepare all documents before opening a shop

Decorate the take-away coffee shop

According to business experience, you should decorate the shop with a unique style for easy brand recognition. However, avoid overly complex decorations that cause clutter. For small spaces, limiting details will help the space feel more spacious and avoid a cramped feeling for customers.

Decorating a take away cafe is essential
Decorating a take away cafe is essential

Design the menu for the shop

For the take-away coffee model, a large menu displayed at the entrance for customers to quickly read and choose is essential. Typically, the shop’s menu should focus on a few main products to simplify the shopping experience. Customers value speed and convenience, as they need time for work and want every transaction to take only a few minutes. 

Read more: 25+ simple, beautiful, and customer-attractive cafe menu designs

Therefore, simplicity and convenience in menu design are always prioritized.

You should design a menu that is large, easy to see and has good prices
You should design a menu that is large, easy to see and has good prices

Increase brand recognition

The final thing you need to prepare is an appropriate communication strategy for the shop. The F&B market is currently very competitive, so advertising must be done actively to achieve high effectiveness. Depending on your financial capacity and shop scale, you can choose one of the following advertising methods: distributing flyers, printing banners, posters, and advertising on social media.

Effective marketing strategies help increase awareness and conversion rates
Effective marketing strategies help increase awareness and conversion rates


The above information provides basic knowledge about the take-away coffee business model. Hopefully, the article helps you have a smooth start-up phase and quickly achieve your set goals. Follow F&B Business Tips for more useful information!

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Nguyễn Đức Thạnh

Nguyễn Đức Thạnh

Nguyen Duc Thanh - SEO Content Writer at Kamereo with many years of experience in the field of writing. He regularly shares in-depth content about business, cuisine, technology, and life through a unique and intimate perspective. Follow Duc Thanh to join the journey of discovering interesting things through every word!View Author posts