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What holidays are in June? Holidays commemorations in June

Holidays commemorations in June

Although June only has 30 days, it hosts many significant events and festivals for everyone. Among them, International Children’s Day kicks off this month to emphasize the rights and benefits of children, as well as to initiate various humanitarian events. Let’s explore what holidays are in June with Kamereo in the following article!

June with many important holidays, commemorations
June with many important holidays, commemorations

Vietnamese holidays, commemorations in June

June 21 | Vietnamese Revolutionary Press Day

June 21 is Vietnamese Revolutionary Press Day, established to honor the birth of the newspaper Thanh Nien founded by leader Nguyen Ai Quoc (Ho Chi Minh) on this day in 1925. In the history of Vietnamese journalism since the 1860s, newspapers such as Gia Dinh and many others have appeared in Saigon, Hanoi, and other localities.

However, Thanh Nien newspaper brought a new style to Vietnamese journalism. This newspaper not only reported news but also promoted revolutionary spirit, demonstrated the will and aspirations of the Vietnamese people, guided the path of struggle for independence, freedom, and socialism.

Given this important significance, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam issued Decision No. 52 on February 5, 1985, designating June 21 every year as Vietnamese Press Day, to promote the social role and responsibility of the press. At the same time, this also strengthens the connection between the press and the public, as well as consolidates the Party’s leadership over the press.

June 21 every year is called Vietnamese Revolutionary Press Day
June 21 every year is called Vietnamese Revolutionary Press Day

June 28 | Vietnamese Family Day

Since 2001, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Gia Khiem signed Decision No. 72/2001/QD-TTG, designating June 28 every year as Vietnamese Family Day. This is an important occasion to honor Vietnamese families, where every member shares love and care for each other. At the same time, this is also an opportunity to better understand the meaning and value of family, helping couples to be more patient, confident, and together build a happy home.

Vietnamese Family Day is an important occasion to honor the values of the family
Vietnamese Family Day is an important occasion to honor the values of the family

International Days in June

01/6 | International Children’s Day

On June 1, 1942, German Nazis besieged a village in Czechoslovakia, resulting in the deaths of 66 people and the imprisonment of 104 children. Among them, 88 children died from being confined in gas chambers and 9 others were forced into slavery for the Nazis.

Two years later, they continued their attacks on a town in France, forcing 400 people, including many women and over 100 children, into a church before burning them alive, creating a heartbreaking tragedy. To commemorate these tragedies, the International Democratic Women’s Union decided to designate June 1 each year as International Children’s Protection Day or International Children’s Day.

This day is seen as an opportunity for people around the world to reflect on and act for the benefit of children, including: advocating for governments to reduce military budgets, increasing investment in education, and protecting the rights of adolescents and children.

The first day of June is chosen as International Children's Day
The first day of June is chosen as International Children’s Day

05/6 | World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) was decided by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to be held on June 5 from 1972. At the same time, the UNGA entrusted the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, to organize this event.

On June 5, 1972, during the opening of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, World Environment Day was officially proclaimed by UNEP. At the session on December 15, 1972, the UNGA adopted a resolution formalizing this. Since then, more than 150 countries worldwide have participated in this commemorative day. Accordingly, activities in response are often organized during the week around June 5 each year.

World Environment Day is an opportunity for everyone to join hands to change awareness for environmental protection
World Environment Day is an opportunity for everyone to join hands to change awareness for environmental protection

08/6 | World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is informally celebrated on June 8, when Canada proposed at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. Subsequently, this day was officially recognized as an international holiday by the United Nations in 2008 through Resolution A/RES/63/111.

Since then, World Oceans Day has been organized and coordinated by international organizations such as the Ocean Project and the World Ocean Network, with the participation of many countries worldwide.

World Oceans Day is an opportunity to remind people to care about the values of the oceans including: seafood, biodiversity, and other inherent values. The ocean also plays an important role in international maritime trade routes. However, global pollution and overexploitation of marine species have led to the depletion of these resources over time.

World Oceans Day is a time for nations to respond to protect the marine environment
World Oceans Day is a time for nations to respond to protect the marine environment

12/6 | World Day Against Child Labour

World Day Against Child Labour (WDACL) is observed on June 12 each year. This day was proposed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2002 and recognized by the United Nations.

The goal of WDACL is to raise awareness and take action to prevent child labor. Its promotion is based on the ratification of ILO Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for employment and ILO Convention No. 182 on the worst forms of child labor.

World Day Against Child Labour is an occasion to call on everyone to protect the rights of children worldwide
World Day Against Child Labour is an occasion to call on everyone to protect the rights of children worldwide

14/6 | World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) was proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2004 and approved by the United Nations. This event aims to increase awareness of the importance of blood donation and the use of safe blood products. At the same time, WBDD also honors blood donors or individuals who contribute their lives to save others. World Blood Donor Day is one of WHO’s eight official global public health campaigns.

World Blood Donor Day is an opportunity to honor those who have donated blood or body parts to save others' lives
World Blood Donor Day is an opportunity to honor those who have donated blood or body parts to save others’ lives

18/6 | Father’s Day

Father’s Day is an occasion to honor the role of fathers in the family and their influence in society. However, this day is celebrated on different dates in many countries around the world, often in March, April, or June. Father’s Day is often seen as part of a series of holidays honoring family members including: Mother’s Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents Day.

June 18 is chosen as Father's Day
June 18 is chosen as Father’s Day

21/6 | International Day of Yoga

International Day of Yoga is annually observed on June 21. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to honor the benefits of yoga for human health, encourage global practice to prevent diseases, and promote community cohesion.

First held on June 21, 2015, the International Day of Yoga has attracted millions of participants worldwide through commemorative events and synchronized yoga sessions.

International Day of Yoga is established to honor the benefits of this discipline for health
International Day of Yoga is established to honor the benefits of this discipline for health

26/6 | International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or International Day Against Drug Abuse, is a commemorative day held on June 26. This day was established by the United Nations General Assembly to honor global anti-drug activities through Resolution 42/112 on December 7, 1987.

In Vietnam, according to Decision No. 93/2001/QD-TTg dated June 13, 2001, June is designated as the “Month of Action for Drug Prevention and Control”. Meanwhile, June 26 is considered as the “National Anti-Drug Day”.

International Day Against Drug Abuse is an opportunity to commemorate efforts to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking
International Day Against Drug Abuse is an opportunity to commemorate efforts to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking

Hopefully, through this article, you have obtained the necessary information about the holidays in June. For businesses and entrepreneurs, this information will support the development of appropriate plans, increase revenue, and brand recognition. Stay tuned to the Festivals section for more business tips!

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Nguyễn Đức Thạnh

Nguyễn Đức Thạnh

Thạnh is a creative content expert with many years of experience. Particularly, he regularly shares in-depth content on business, cuisine, technology, and lifestyle through a unique and relatable perspective. Follow Thạnh to embark on a journey of discovering fascinating insights through every word!View Author posts

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